Afterschool Program In
Making Afterschool Cool After Harvey CASE for Kids, Harris County Department of Education’s Center for Afterschool, Summer and Enrichment for Kids, is back at work with a growing charge to best serve our out-of-school time community. We are inspired by stories of partners going above and beyond to serve youth while impacting families struggle to recover from Hurricane Harvey’s impact on the greater Houston area. During this time of recovery, we have extended deadlines, gathered resources and are seeking information to create a plan to leverage resources and potential funds dedicated to recovery for our out-of-school time community. For more information, click Hurricane Harvey Recovery Resources Click on the links below to find information, resources, and support.
Please share with other organizations, families, and community members! A guided workbook for children (Mercy Corps) (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network) (American Psychological Association) (Forbes) (Association for Play Therapy) (Children at Risk). Driverpack Solution 16 Iso Utorrent more.

Starting an afterschool program. Planning to start an afterschool program? There's no definitive approach to starting an afterschool program; each. NYC Parks Afterschool Program provides children ages six to 13 the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of activities. The program takes place Mondays through Fridays.