Cannon Super Mario Bros Wii Hack
Cannon SMBW Download- Link? 3DSExploit: Arm. Modell: PS3 Slim 1. TBFirmware: Rebug 4. Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Zero. Cannon Super Mario Bros Wii Hack Download. Its time for a new hack called Cannon Super Mario Bros. A hack made by Leplap and.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Cheats For Wii • Free Coins from Dancing Flowers Every dancing flower will give you one coin if you Spin Jump (flick Wiimote upwards) from a Neutral position. Contributed by: narfboy2002 • Hatless Mario Collect 99 lives at any point during the game. Upon returning to the map screen, Mario will not be wearing his hat.
Lose a life, and Mario's hat will return. Contributed by: PinkKitty • Original End Level Fanfare from Super Mario Bros. When you beat the first level of the game, as well as beat a level while rescuing a captured toadstool (1-player only) the old 8-bit end level fanfare will play from the first Super Mario Bros. Contributed by: _ChosenOne_ • Unlimited Mushroom Houses Get five stars on your save file by beating the game, collecting all the star coins in worlds 1-8, all the star coins in world 9, finding all the exits from a level and using every mushroom house and cannon on the map and you'll get a message saying everything has been cleared. Mushroom Houses will never go away, letting you max out your items. Contributed by: Aero_Slasher • Make Mushroom Houses appear If you see a level where a Toad is trapped, go into the level and save him.
The type of Mushroom House that appears will depend on the last digit of the time counter. Unlockable Unlockable Get Toad to the end of the level and hit flag when the last digit of the time ends in a 9. Gold Mushroom House Get Toad to the end of the level and hit flag when the last digit of the time ends in a 0, 1, or 2. Green Mushroom House Get Toad to the end of the level and hit flag when the last digit of the time ends in a 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8.
Red Mushroom House Contributed by: TheMario91 • Make mushroom houses appear in multiplayer To get a mushroom house to appear in multiplayer, you simply need to clear the level when the time has the same 2 end digits next to each other when you touch the flag pole. Examples: 544, 322, 411. Depending on the two end digits, you will make different mushroom houses appear at the start point, as you would in single player when you save a Toad, only the digits are mostly red mushroom houses.
Two zeros at the end will get you nothing. When you do this, you hear the original Super Mario Bros. Level clear music and see a number of fireworks depending on what the last 2 digits are. 1 firework for 11, 2 for 22, and so on. Unlockable Unlockable Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 99 Gold Mushroom House Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 11 or 22 at the end Green Mushroom House Touch the flagpole with last 2 time digits as 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, or 88 Red Mushroom House Contributed by: PhoenixRush • Unlockable levels After you beat the game, World 9 is unlocked. Collecting all Star Coins in a world unlocks the corresponding level.
Unlockable Unlockable Collect all Star Coins for World 1. Level 9-1 Collect all Star Coins for World 2.
Level 9-2 Collect all Star Coins for World 3. Level 9-3 Collect all Star Coins for World 4. The Very Best Of The Rascals Rapidshare. Level 9-4 Collect all Star Coins for World 5.
Level 9-5 Collect all Star Coins for World 6. Level 9-6 Collect all Star Coins for World 7. Level 9-7 Collect all Star Coins for World 8.
Level 9-8 Contributed by: Volt7x • Save Anywhere After you finish the final castle in World 8, you can save anywhere in the map. A Save option will appear where the Quick Save option used to be. Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game Save Option Contributed by: ratiosu728 • Stars Fulfilling special tasks will award you stars on your save file. Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game without Super Guide appearing.
Sparkling Stars Beat the game. Star 1 Beat every normal level Star 2 Collect all 207 star coins in the first 8 worlds. Star 3 Collect all 24 star coins in world 9. Star 4 Beat every level, find every secret goal and use all of the warp cannons. Star 5 Contributed by: MBBDarigon Walkthroughs & FAQs Type Name File Size General FAQs 356K General FAQs 177K In-Depth FAQs 23K In-Depth FAQs 19K In-Depth FAQs 22K In-Depth FAQs 161K Maps and Charts 97K Maps and Charts 24K.
Go to World 1-3.Get a Yoshi or a Flying Suit thingy.When you see that ledge that leads into the wall,jump on that ledge but don't go into the wall with al the coins.Jump with Yoshi or Fly with the Flying Suit to the top of that wall that's hanging down.Keep going right untill you go into a pipe. This is the alternate ending which leads you to the Warp Cannon that goes to World 5. Please Rate This Thumbs Up If You Like It!Thanks!