Crataeva Nurvala Ayurvedic Diet

Information on Crataeva Nurvala, Three leaces caper, Barun Herb Benefits. Ayurvedic Diet. No toxic effect was seen on human body with Crataeva nurvala. Varuna [Crataeva nurvala Buch.Ham] CAPPARIDACEAE FAMILY CLASSICAL CATAGORISATION Susruta Varunadi Vatasmari nasaka Tikta varga Vata samshamana Charaka—-Tikta.
Family Botanical – capparidaceae Ayurvedic – varun Other Names English names – three leaces caper Hindi name – barun Sanskrit name – varun Gujarati name - varne Habitat It is found in areas that are has temperate climates. It is found all over in Indian sub continent, Africa, Middle East and South America. Morphology It has a small tree having a height of 25 to 30 feet. Bark is of light brown in color. T also bears certain crack marks on it. Branches have white marks on it.
Leaves are 3 to 5 incj long and are rough to touch. Leaflets are oval in shape wj=hich on crushing bears a peculiar smell. Flowers are 2 to 3 inch in diameter. It has purple, white, yellowish color. Fruits are very similar to that of a lemon having 1 inch in diameter. It turns red on ripening. Varun flowers in spring season and fruits in summers.
In summers tree loses all its leaves. Chemical Constituents Pharmacology It is vata kapha suppressant. It is used in prevention of infection on wounds and prevents any other kind of infection happening in body.
It is also used as appetizer and prevents indigestion. It also reduces pain. Varun stimulates liver for proper functioning.
Wild Arms 4 Undub Iso. It is also used in worm infestation. It is also effective in arthritic conditions and joint pains. It is very widely used in renal calculi and urinary tract infection (UTI) as it is a diuretic.