Picture Style Untuk Canon 600d T3i
Join Ben Long for an in-depth discussion in this video, Monochrome picture styles, part of Canon Rebel T3i (600D and Kiss X5) Essential Training. (Had to change the music due to copyright claim) Please note that I am not a colorist. Picture taken with a Canon DSRL 600D T3i kit lens. Some footage. Picture styles in canon t3i. So I just realized about the picture style settings in the t3i for the first time. Canon EOS 600D (EOS Rebel T3i / EOS Kiss.

Parameter Effect Details Sharpness Adjusts the sharpness of the image. To make it less sharp, set it towards the [0] end. The closer it is to [0],the softer the image will look. Rosetta Stone English Rapidshare. To make it sharper, set it towards the [7] end. The closer it is to [7], the sharper the image will look. Contrast Adjusts the image contrast and the vividness of colors.