Rozen Maiden Psp Iso
Recently I’ve been playing this game Alibat. Alibat stands for Alice Battle and is a doujin 3-D fighting game involving characters from Rozen Maiden. Having it as one of my favorite animes, I simply could not let this game pass. Perhaps the best thing about this game is that you get to fight alongside your favorite doll from Rozen Maiden (If your good with them). Furthermore, the dolls all have unique attacks and these attacks remind me of their counterparts from the series. For example, Suigintou can shoot feathers and Shinku can shoot petals. This certainly was rather a surprise.
Another neat feature is that both the doll and the medium (you) will level up as you battle. While I am not sure exactly what the levels do, they certainly add a sense of purpose to the endless battles I think the Medium level stands for Attack Power while The Doll Level stands for Defence. Kerio Winroute Firewall 6.7.1 Patch 2 Build 6544 more.

( I am not 100% sure on these) All the dolls are included, and yes, that includes Kirakishou (who’s actually pretty fun to play with) and even Detective Kun Kun. The game play of Alibat is rather simple. Pick up the briefcases scattered all over the field and use the attacks they give you to attack the other doll, while being mindful of your opponent’s attacks.

The briefcases will give different types of attacks, so remember what they are. For instance, W sends a wave across the screen while S gives out a short ranged sword swing. Controls: enter= select backspace = exit z= attack x= dash c= jump p= alternate costume select (my personal favorite) I had to dig around somewhat to finally get Alibat and get the game to work, so I’ve decided to upload them all in one place and make it easier on people. 1.5 (.iso): Batch: AliBAT Instructions: Follow these instructions first for the simplest installation: Download Alibat v1.5 in the link. It is a.iso file. Mount the.iso file using Daemon tools, Install the game.(If you don’t want to use Daemon tools or do not want to mount it, I have a.rar version that you can just extract with 7-Zip or WinRAR.AliBAT v.