Simple Program Of Progress Bar
MS Access - Quick and Easy Progress Bar Microsoft Access - Quick and Easy Progress Bar Within Access, there are times when a process is slow-running and appears to be non-responsive. Vcr X86 X64 here. The most logical way to convince a user to wait patiently is to use a progress bar. The question is how to do this within Access with as little as possible effort.

One quick and easy way to add a progress bar is to take advantage of the seldom-used SysCmd method. (SysCmd has several uses, but falls out of the scope of this article. Mcafee Enterprise 8.8 Patch 5. W32dasm For Windows 7 here. ) All it takes to add a progress bar is to place three lines of VBA code: 1. SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, 'Updating: ', 1000 ' Initialize Progress bar 2. SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, Counter ' Update Progress Bar 3. SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter ' Remove Progress Bar In the first line of code, SysCmd takes three parameters, the second being a text message that appears before the bar, and the third being a full counter value.