Antivirus Pcmav Pc Media

PCMAV atau PC Media Antivirus kembali diluncurkan untuk rilis terbaru di tahun 2015 ini, ini merupakan peluncuran pertama PCMAV di tahun 2015. PCMAV 10.0.1 adalah hadiah untuk majalah PC Media edisi 01/2015. Pada rilis kali ini PCMAV telah mampu mengenali hingga 9.313 virus beserta variannya.

[IMG] PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) is an antivirus made in Indonesia. PCMAV is quite popular in 2006 since many virus creators in Indonesia actively. Update Terakhir dilakukan pada 09 Mei 2015, download PCMAV 10.0.4 dan Update Build terbaru antivirus silakan klik salah satu link yang tersedia di bawah ini. PCMAV atau PC Media Antivirus kembali diluncurkan untuk rilis terbaru di tahun 2015 ini, ini merupakan peluncuran pertama PCMAV di tahun 2015. PCMAV 10.0.1 adalah hadiah untuk majalah PC Media edisi 01/2015. Pada rilis kali ini PCMAV telah mampu mengenali hingga 9.313 virus beserta variannya.
Good news to all my blog reader. My monthly magazine PCMedia 10/2012 has been released. New Version of PCMAV 8.3 Raptor included with this PCMedia 10/2012 Magazine. This version come with all-new extensions, added ability to submit virus online and data statistic. All you need to do is read the README.txt file.
Also for information my PCMAV has include new CLAMAV version. Thanks for All that support me by download from my blog. Thanks to PCMAV Team for this great antivirus. Source for detail in indonesian language are. Good news to all my blog reader.
My monthly magazine PCMedia 07/2012 has been released. New Version of PCMAV 8.0 Raptor included with this PCMedia 07/2012 Magazine. This version come with all-new extensions, added ability to submit virus online and data statistic. All you need to do is read the README. Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701 there. txt file. Also for information my PCMAV has include new CLAMAV version.
Thanks for All that support me by download from my blog. Thanks to PCMAV Team for this great antivirus. Source for detail in indonesian language are. Good news to all my blog reader. My monthly magazine PCMedia 06/2012 has been released.
New Version of PCMAV 7.2 Predator included with this PCMedia 06/2012 Magazine. This version come with all-new extensions, added ability to submit virus online and data statistic. All you need to do is read the README. Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver Game more. txt file. Also for information my PCMAV has include new CLAMAV version. This is the fixed version that include with new CLAMAV 0.97.4. Thanks for All that support me by download from my blog.
Thanks to PCMAV Team for this great antivirus. Source for detail in indonesian language are. Filed under: Tagged:,,,, .
Good news to all my blog reader. My monthly magazine PCMedia 05/2012 has been released. New Version of PCMAV 7.1 Predator included with this PCMedia 05/2012 Magazine. This version come with all-new extensions, added ability to submit virus online and data statistic. All you need to do is read the README.txt file. Also for information my PCMAV has include new CLAMAV version.
This is the fixed version that include with new CLAMAV 0.97.4. Thanks for All that support me by download from my blog.
Thanks to PCMAV Team for this great antivirus. Source for detail in indonesian language are. Filed under: Tagged:,,,, . Halo semua pembaca blog saya. Hari ini saya upload PCMAV 7.0 Predator versi terbaru dari PCMedia 04/2012 yang beberapa waktu lalu terbit.
Satu hal yang masalah sebelumnya dimana virus signature error sehingga saya menunda upload namun pada hari ini masalah ini sudah di selesaikan oleh team PCMedia. Signature utama PCMAV 7.0 telah diperbaiki dan saya sudah integrasikan dengan ClamAV 0.97.4 terbaru. Untuk database ClamAV anda bisa download sendiri dari website resminya kemudian ditaruh di folder plugins/clamav. Informasi lengkap bisa dibaca di file README.txt Sumber resmi bisa di lihat di.