Default Mcafee Password

Enter the email address you used when you created your McAfee account. We’ll send you a link to reset your password.
IMPORTANT:You must perform this procedure after the Manager service is stopped. Failure to do so may result in database corruption and subsequent database-related issues. • Right-click the NSM system tray icon and select Stop Manager. • Click Start, Run, type cmd, and press ENTER. • Type the following command to log on to the MySQL root account, using the username root and the root password: NOTE: Substitute the username and password in the command below, with root and root123: $MYSQL bin mysql.exe -u -p For example: $MYSQL bin mysql.exe -uroot -proot123 If you do not know the root account password, follow the steps in. Type show processlist; and press ENTER. • Confirm that the output of show processlist; does not show any processes running other than the show processlist command itself.
NOTE: If there are any NSM-related processes also present, the Java process tied in with the Manager is still running. The steps below are performed to completely stop all NSM-related processes before you change the admin password. The process will start again, after you restart the NSM service: • Open Task Manager and select the Processes tab. • Check the running processes for java. Becker Cpa Notes Pdf here. exe. Icy Tower 1.4 Full Version on this page.
• Select java.exe and click End Process. Turkcell Huawei E177 Driver. • Confirm the username of the NSM database user: • Open App config mysql_ext_assembly.xml.
• Find the line of text with. • The value of #USERNAME# is the name of the NSM database user. This database user name is typically 'admin' or 'intrushield', and is referenced as 'admin' in this example. • Update the MySQL admin password from the MySQL prompt. Type the following command and press ENTER: Update mysql.user set Password=Password('admin456') where user='admin'; flush privileges; • Check the user and password entries.
Type the following commands and press ENTER after each one: mysql>use mysql; mysql>select user,password from user; The encrypted versions of the passwords are shown with their respective usernames. • Navigate to App config.
• Open the mysql_ext_assembly.xml file using a text editor such as Notepad. • Navigate to the section indicated below: • Change the entry encodedpasswd to passwd as shown below: From: To: Instead of the encoded value, type the password in clear text. For example, admin456. • Save the file, making sure that you retain the file name of mysql_ext_assembly.xml. • Navigate to App bin and start dbadmin.bat. Confirm that the Manager service is not running.
• Type the current password admin456 and new password admin123. • When prompted for the root password, type your root password.
For example, root123. • Navigate to App config and open the mysql_ext_assembly.xml file. There are two entries for the password, one encoded and the other plain text. • Delete the line with the clear text password and save the changes: • Right-click the NSM system tray icon and select Start Manager.