Download Sega Saturn Gameshark Iso
Download 0- PseudoSaturn v0.831 (Sega Saturn Action Replay Mod) • Sega Saturn @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource. Download Sega Saturn Isos, Saturn Roms @ The Iso Zone • The Ultimate Retro Gaming Resource.
A mod that finally enables one to boot backups without the use of a modchip on your Sega Saturn. Basically this is a firmware which you will need to flash onto an Action Replay. Cameraraw Adobe there.
(Preferably EMS) Once the cart is flash it will allow you to boot backups on the Sega Saturn. Note: Once you flash your action replay, you will no longer have the save feature on the cart. The creator is said to be working on a future release that will re-implement the save feature back onto the cart along with this mod.
So for now enjoy this cool mod that has finally arrived when no one could of done it til now. Introduction ------------ This code was designed as a proof of concept for running Saturn code from cd's without requiring special mastering hardware. It was the product of several months of studying the process by which the cd block authenticates a disc and unlocks functionality. The code for booting unmodified Saturn disc images came from jhl's research and algorithm. I can only claim the work of the actual implementation of it in Pseudo Saturn. Dependencies ------------ Everything was compiled using the kpit elf compiler and the Iapetus library. Iapetus itself is downloaded from github if it isn't already present.

You will need to compile some kind of SH2 cross compiler beforehand. Otherwise everything else should be detected using cmake. Build Instructions ------------------ 1.
Start up cmake-gui. Set 'Where is the source code' to where you downloaded source code to. Set 'Where to build the binaries' to another directory, ideally not the same directory as source code. Make a note of directory. Click on 'Configure' and answer yes to create directory if it doesn't exist.
For generator you should be using 'Unix Makefiles' or something equivalent. Make sure 'Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling'. Click 'Next'. For toolchain file go to 'Platform' subdirectory in source code directory and select 'SegaSaturn'.
If there's any errors, correct them. Otherwise click 'Generate' button. On the command-line, go into binaries directory you made note of above and type: 'make'. If everything is successful you should get a message '[100%] Built target PseudoSaturn'. The final binary is called 'PseudoSaturn. Los Caballeros Del Zodiaco Peliculas Latino Mf. BIN' is is located in the binaries directory. Install Instructions -------------------- Requirements: Installation requires you to own an Action Replay(ideally EMS) and a method for flashing data to the Action Replay. The default installer is via cd image, which requires you to burn and boot the disc on the Saturn, which requires a blank cd, and modchip or disc swapping which won't be covered here.