Intuos Cth 480 Driver

Hello, So a long time ago my old Bamboo tablet stopped working, so I uninstalled it's software and was given a new Intuos Pen & Touch by my friend. It's not necessarily new in terms of use, but it should be able to work and all that fun stuff, the lights even come on once it is plugged into my. Hello, So a long time ago my old Bamboo tablet stopped working, so I uninstalled it's software and was given a new Intuos Pen & Touch by my friend. It's not necessarily new in terms of use, but it should be able to work and all that fun stuff, the lights even come on once it is plugged into my laptop.
Now, the problem is when it is plugged in, it tries manually installing drivers for it, but it comes up with the inevitable error that reads 'Device driver software was not successfully installed.' With this in mind, I tried to go and download the driver from the Wacom website and install it from there, but then it has the message 'The archive is either in unknown format or damaged' and after this I am really at a loss. I can't tell if it's the computer itself or the tablet. My computer runs on Windows 7 and is a Gateway NV53. If I left anything out that might be vital, please let me know.
Wacom INTUOS CTH-480 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Wacom INTUOS CTH-480 User Manual. Firmware Galaxy Ace Latinoamerica there. Wacom INTUOS CTH-480 Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Wacom INTUOS CTH-480 User Manual.
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PLEASE SEND HELP this has been so frustrating!!! I've had this tablet going on 2 years this summer and I haven't had any problems until I updated to windows 10. Now every once in a while I notice my pen pressure isn't working, but it's still tracking like it's supposed to, so I'll uninstall the driver, restart, reinstall the driver, restart, and it works just fine. But I've been doing this nonstop for the entire day and NOTHING I try is working and it's getting REALLY frustrating. Is there anything else I can do to fix this?