Luau Party Games
Luau Party Ideas - Birthday in a Box party ideas - Make your child’s next birthday party a true tropical dream with our Luau Party ideas! Our Luau party ideas. Luau parties are very popular this year. Try these fun and easy games for kids and their friends at your next summertime party. Find and save ideas about Hawaiian party games on Pinterest. See more ideas about Luau games, Luau party games and Hawaiian games.
Send the party details on invites in the shape of a summer sandal to get kids excited about the luau bash. Ask guests to come dressed in their best Hawaiian outfit. What you'll need: Orange and green cardstock, scissors, hole punch, chenille stems, hot-glue gun, Hawaiian flower petals (we found ours at, small yellow pom-poms Make it: In a Word document, create a textbox that measures 3'x 1 1/2'. Iso French Threading Wheel there.
Enter the party details and print onto colored cardstock. Place the enlarged template over the printed text, then trace and cut it out. Use a hole punch to make three holes (as shown). Bend a chenille stem in half and push the folded end through hole at front of the flip-flop and the other ends through the holes on each side; secure underneath with glue. Attach 2 or 3 petals with glue to make a flower. Glue a pom-pom to the center of the flower, then glue in place on the chenille stem as shown.
Kids can hide out from the sun under easy-to-make grass huts when it's time to eat at the luau. Place a few around the yard and use grass placemats as seats. What you'll need: Galvanized bucket, sand or gravel, wrapping-paper tube, 32' parasol (we found ours at, 2 adult-size grass skirts, duct tape, scissors Make it: Fill the bucket about halfway with sand or gravel. Push a wrapping paper tube into the sand or gravel until secure, then drop the handle of the parasol into the top of the tube (this will give the hut extra height). Wrap a grass skirt around the knob on top of the parasol; use tape to secure. Repeat with second skirt. Trim the grass skirts so they hang over the parasol 8' to 12'.

Brighten up the yard by stringing a garland of tropical tissue-paper flowers on trees or fencing. What you'll need: Tissue paper, scissors, pencil, chenille stems, yarn Make it: Cut five 6' squares of tissue paper and stack them, rotating 45 degrees between layers. Use a pencil to poke a hole through the center of the stack and push a chenille stem 3/4 of the way through. Cinch the tissue paper to create a flower and twist the longer end of the chenille stem around the base of the flower to secure. Wrap the shorter end of the chenille stem around the pencil to create a corkscrew effect. Repeat to make additional flowers. Cut a length of yarn and tie to the back of each flower to create a garland.
Top the buffet table with palm trees made from recycled green soda bottles, paper towel tubes, and twine. What You'll Need: 8-oz. Green plastic soda bottle, scissors, 8' square of burlap, paper-towel tube, rubber band, twine, 2 cups dried beans, hot-glue gun, medium brown pom-poms Make it: Remove the label on the soda bottle and cut off and discard the bottom fourth. Cut four evenly spaced slits down toward the neck of the bottle. Bend back the remaining rectangular strips and cut each strip into a leaf shape. Cinch the burlap square around one end of the paper-towel tube; secure with a rubber band.
Pour dried beans into the top of the tube until the burlap base is full. Wrap and knot a piece of twine around the rubber band and repeat every two inches up the tube. Insert the bottleneck (now the leaves) into the top of the paper-towel tube and use hot glue to secure in place.
Glue pom-poms to leaves as desired. Have kids turn boring brown paper cups into take-home tiki puppets. Set up a craft table with foam shapes and bright colored feathers and let the kids glue away. What you'll need: Brown paper cup, brown electrical tape, X-Acto knife, large Popsicle sticks, craft foam shapes, feathers, hot-glue gun, craft glue Make it: Before the party, attach two cups together, top to top, by wrapping brown electrical tape around the lips of the cups.